40 Free Business Books on Kindle

Whether you’re thinking about launching your own business or starting a side hustle, you don’t always have to spend money to make money! The Kindle store is always full of free books to help you develop your leadership skills, take control of your finances, provide marketing advice, and much more.

The selection of free books on Amazon changes daily, so be sure to check back frequently for fresh content. Otherwise, here are 40 free business books you can download at no cost right now. Note: It’s best to double check that the price is free before you click the “buy it now” button on Amazon. 

Free Self-Improvement Books

Free Money Management Books

Free Networking and Marketing Books

Free Entrepreneurship Books

Free Business Leadership Books

Is that book really free?

Here’s how to double check to make sure a book is truly free on Amazon. Look at the buy box and make sure the “Kindle Price” is $0.00.

Buy box on free Kindle books
The buy box on free Kindle books looks like this. Note: the “Kindle Price” is $0.00.

Buy box on books that are only “free” for Kindle Unlimited subscribers
The buy box on books that are only free with a Kindle Unlimited subscription looks like this.  Note: the “Kindle Price” is not free.

If you accidentally purchased a book that isn’t free, you can request a refund following these steps.